Virginia Woolf Project is conceived and promoted by
Giulia Bortolini, professional social worker,
and Laura De Benedetti, professional journalist,
both committed for years to women’s civil rights

Something About us:

Giulia Bortolini

Professional operator ASA, 50 years old, works for social services, lives in Lodi (Italy).

Since 2012 – Activist for women’s rights with the committee “If not now, when? – (Se non ora, quando?) Snoq Lodi”, organization of conferences, events, presentation of books, events, video interviews, video recordings, courses, graphic design, photography, social media management.

Among others from 2013 to 2019 organization, graphic design, photo / video shoot in Lodi of the world event “One Billion Rising”

Publication and realization of traveling photo exhibitions:

– “When I grow up I will … Images against stereotypes”

– “The Constituent Mothers”

2015 – Collaboration in the project for the training course for journalists “How the media tell the differences” with Snoq Lodi and the Order of Journalists of Lombardy

2015 – Diploma of participation in Digital Women organized by the managerial development of European women

2015 – Cà Foscari University of Venice, certificate passing the training course “Language, gender identity and Italian language”

2016 – Diploma of participation in Women in Digital held by European Management’s Women Development 2017 – Collaboration in the design and video shooting of the Wikipedia Course for the “women in red” campaign, to reduce the gender gap in the digital encyclopedia

Prizes and awards:

2015 – First prize competition of GiULiA Journalists for the video: “Electric women – Light, nourishment, energy” Video by Giulia Bortolini and Laura De Benedetti.

Laura De Benedetti

Professional journalist registered with the Order of Journalists of Lombardy (Italy), reporter for a daily newspaper, 53 years old, lives in Lodi (Italy).
Author of the book ‘Il giusto mondo’ – ‘The right world’ (; – under construction). Blogger:

since 2008 – Activist for women’s rights with the movement “If not now, when? – (Se non ora, quando?) Snoq Lodi”

With Snoq Lodi, organization of conferences, events, video interviews, courses, exhibitions, presentation of books, demonstration, march. Digital communication.

In particular, the 14th february, since 2003 organization in Lodi of the world event ‘One billion rising’

Publication and realization, for the video interviews and texts part, of traveling photo exhibitions:

– “When I grow up I will … Images against stereotypes”

– “The Constituent Mothers”

2015 – Professional updating course “How the media tell the differences” with Snoq Lodi and the Order of Journalists of Lombardy – organization and participation

2015 – Diploma of participation in ‘Digital Women’ organized by Ewmd – European Women’s Management Development

2015 – Diploma for training course ‘Language, gender identity and Italian language’ attested by Cà Foscari University of Venice

2016 – Diploma of participation in Digital Women organized by Ewmd – European Women’s Management Development

2017 – Wikipedia course for the ‘Women in red’ campaign, to reduce the gender gap in the digital encyclopedia – organization and participation

2017 Diploma for training course ‘Gender-based violence in the context of migration’ attested by European Inter-University Center for Human Rights and Democratisation

2012 – Special mention for the book “The right world” at the Iternational Award “In the footsteps of Ada Negri” – narrative section

2014 – Special mention in the contest of ‘Giulia Journalists’ on the theme ‘Concilia? Between work, care and time for oneself’ with the image ‘The conciliation in one hand’ – photo section

2015 – First prize in the contest of ‘Giulia Journalists’ for the video: “Electric women – Light, nourishment, energy” Video by Giulia Bortolini and Laura De Benedetti

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