Virginia Woolf: la filmografia completa, le musiche, i documentari, la voce della scrittrice inglese mentre parla alla radio

Filmografia relativa Virginia Woolf

The Hours - Virginia Woolf - ViWoPThe Hours: 2002, diretto da Stephen Daldry, basato sul romanzo di Michael Cunningham, vincitore del premio Pulitzer Le ore. Per il difficile ruolo di Virginia Woolf, Nicole Kidman è stata premiata con l’Oscar alla miglior attrice, con il Golden Globe,  con il BAFTA e alcuni dei premi più importanti nel campo cinematografico.

Vita e Virginia - ViWopVita & Virginia: 2018, diretto da Chanya Button e basato sull’omonima opera teatrale di Eileen Atkins, coautrice della sceneggiatura insieme alla Button. Titolo originale Vita and Virginia, Gran Bretagna, Irlanda.

Orlando -  Virginia Woolf - ViWoPOrlando: 1992 , diretto da Sally Potter, tratto dall’omonimo romanzo di Virginia Woolf. L’opera, presentata in anteprima al Thessaloniki International Film Festival del 1992, venne proiettata anche al Festival del Cinema di Venezia e al Toronto Film Festival nel settembre dello stesso anno prima di essere distribuito nelle sale cinematografiche mondiali

Mrs Dalloway - Virginia Woolf - ViWoPMrs. Dalloway: 1997,  diretto da Marleen Gorris e tratto dall’omonimo romanzo di Virginia Woolf. una co-produzione da parte del Regno Unito, gli Stati Uniti, e nei Paesi Bassi,  diretto da Marleen Gorris interpretato da Vanessa Redgrave, Natasha McElhone e Michael Kitchen.

Virginia Woolf movies

Orlando (Video) (based on a novel by)

2018 Kew Gardens (Short) (original story)

2018 Vita & Virginia (letters)

2016 Six Lives: A Cinepoem (Documentary) (based on the works of)

1998 The Edge (TV Mini-Series) (1 episode)

1998  The Mark on the Wall 

1997 Mrs Dalloway (novel)

1995 Beating (poem)

1992 Orlando (novel)

1991 A Room of One’s Own (TV Movie) (writings)

1983 To the Lighthouse (TV Movie) (novel)

1982 Onde (novel)

1977 Simple Gifts (TV Movie) (novel “Orlando” – segment “The Great Frost”)

1955 O Contador de Histórias (TV Series) (1 episode)

A Herança (1955)

The Hours (2002)

Everyone talked about Nicole Kidman’s prosthetic nose, but her performance as Virginia Woolf is what makes this film worth watching (after you have read the exquisite novel by Michael Cunningham on which the movie is based, of course). The film weaves together three stories: Virginia Woolf as she is writing Mrs. Dalloway, a 1950s housewife reading the novel, and a modern Mrs. Dalloway going through her day as she plans a party.

Orlando (1992)

There haven’t been many attempts to translate Woolf’s stream-of-consciousness literary style into film, and even fewer successful ones. That said, director Sally Potter’s gorgeously filmed adaptation of Orlando is great. Tilda Swinton’s strong performance and striking androgynous looks make her the perfect person to play the gender-bending title character.

The War Within: A Portrait of Virginia Woolf (1995)

This acclaimed documentary of Woolf’s life delves into her biography and inner life. The movie was filmed on location in the places important to Woolf’s life and features interviews with Woolf’s niece, nephew, and Bloomsbury Group cohorts.

Mrs. Dalloway (1997)

Some have called this film adaptation disappointing, but it’s hard to live up to Woolf’s novel about a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway. The movie stars the lovely Vanessa Redgrave as the title character. The movie is worth a watch.

Portrait of a Marriage (1990)

This made-for-TV movie about Woolf’s close friend and sometime-lover Vita Sackville-West earned strong reviews. The marriage of the title is the one between Sackville-West and her husband Harold Nicholson, who by all accounts were very much in love despite her numerous (and well-known to Nicholson) affairs with women. The movie is an interesting portrayal of the unconventional relationships and marriages that Bloomsbury-era modernists experimented with.

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)

Despite the name, this is not a movie about Virginia Woolf (who, as far as we know, was not all that frightening). This film is a chilling portrayal of two unraveling couples. The title of this film—an adaptation of the Edward Albee play by the same name—comes from a song the characters sing in the play. He wanted it to be “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf” from the Three Little Pigs cartoon, but Disney wouldn’t budge on the film rights. Leonard Woolf consented to have his wife’s name used instead. Anyway, it’s a great movie.

Virginia Woolf Music

Ethel Smyth

Ethel Smyth was a composer of opera and chamber music and a close friend of Virginia Woolf (some believe the two women were more than just friends, but whatever). She was also a leader of the women’s suffrage movement in Britain. She composed the tune “The March of the Women,” a song that became the anthem for women demanding the right to vote.
The march of women
La serenata in D Maggiore

Music from the Diary of Virginia Woolf

Dominick Argento Though she wasn’t musically inclined herself, Virginia Woolf said that she thought of her books like pieces of music. Others have thought of her words that way as well. Inspired by her posthumously published diaries, American composer Dominick Argento set excerpts of the journal to choral music. He received the Pulitzer Prize for the song cycle in 1975.

From the Diary of Virginia Wolf by Dominick Argento, recorded by Dame Janet Baker and Martin Isepp

From the Diary of Virginia Woolf: The Diary

From the Diary of Virginia Woolf: Anxiety

From the Diary of Virginia Woolf: Parents

From the Diary of Virginia Woolf: War

From the Diary of Virginia Woolf: Last Entry

From the Diary of Virginia Woolf: Fancy

From the Diary of Virginia Woolf: Rome

From the Diary of Virginia Woolf: Hardy’s Funeral

Amy Beach was an American composer and contemporary of Virginia Woolf’s who created the first symphony written by an American woman. Like Woolf, she was entirely self-taught. Her career was hampered by her era’s strict gender roles—her husband forebade her to play more than one performance per year, and it was only after his death that she was able to travel the world as a musician. Beach and Ethel Smyth collaborated at times. Woolf would almost certainly have been familiar with her music.


Princeton We love literary rockers. This album from the L.A.-based trio Princeton pays homage to the members of Bloomsbury, with four songs inspired by different members (“Viriginia Woolf” has lyrics like “And she missed her mark, the ink is dry now./ What’s on the wall, will never be known, to her alone/ And I find, that in my lifetime, no words will stay or haunt in that way.”) Possibly the only band in history to record a single inspired by economist John Maynard Keynes. Check out their website, which profiles the members of Bloomsbury along with the band.

Indigo Girls – Virginia Woolf

Indigo Girls Virginia Woolf continues to inspire artists of many genres. The folk-rock duo Indigo Girls recorded a song in homage to Virginia Woolf for their 1992 album “Rites of Passage.” The lyrics are lovely; have a listen.

“Shakespeare’s Sister”

The Smiths In A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf imagines Shakespeare’s (fictional) sister, a woman of equal literary ability as her brother who is unable to realize her talent because of the restrictions placed on her gender. The 1980s English rock band The Smiths wrote a song in homage to this fictional frustrated writer. Oi!

Virginia Woolf Video & Audio

Night and Day

Audio book of the novel.

BBC broadcast

Rare recording of Virginia Woolf speaking on radio, 29 April 1937

Virginia Woolf Documentary

Mini-documentary of Virginia Woolf’s early life (first of 14 parts, all available on YouTube)

Patti Smith—A reading of Virginia Woolf

Rocker Patti Smith performs a musical interpretation of Woolf’s work.

Bloomsbury Group | UGC NET English Literature | Greens Academy

Essential tips to crack UGC NET English exam

“The Land”

Vita Sackville-West reading from her poem.


“Virginia Woolf Explores an English Country Home”

1925 New York Times  review of ‘To the Lighthouse’

Leonard Woolf – On the Formation of the Bloomsbury Group and on Virginia Woolf
Gruppo di Bloomsbury – Artesplorando
Il gruppo di Bloomsbury e l’avanguardia inglese – GalileiLiceo
